Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Some Roads Lead to Hershey

It's amazing how the most mundane items are impossible to find when you need them.

Case in point: maps.

Hog Island actually has a library on it. This library does have a road atlas.

Which is checked out.

Of course, that is only my assumption. I had to break the windows to get in. I don't think anyone will care. Word of the Joe Bob killing ant scout hit the locals and they all drove off to administer some beer and shotgun homeland security. The point is that the road atlas I wanted is missing.

And still, the map is missing. And its not like you can just drive around to a bookstore, a gas station, or whatever. This is northern Maine. You gotta drive an hour to get anywhere. So I decided to rummage through the two room "library" for all its worth. After about an hour I give up and pound my head on a computer moniter.

My action takes the machine out of sleep mode, and the screen fades to life on the Yahoo home page.

No cel phones, but they get internet? I'm not complaining.

Now the real work starts. CNN.com to track movements. Yahoo maps to study the roads.

The invasion of the northeast almost looks like an upside down heart shaped wave.

Which means that something slowed them down somewhere. My thoery is not very scientific. I take a pen a draw a line from the apex of the curve and see where it leads:

Hershey, PA.

It seems our invaders have a taste for chocolate.


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